Car Shows/Cruises

Car Shows:

 There are any where from 75 to 150 cars showing off their stuff for the GM and Corvette show. It’s a fun day to stroll the village and the cars. Dates are: 


Corvette Show: October 20  (rain 27th)
This show is for Corvettes only and hosted by OGSTCC. To pre-register your entry fee is due by early October. Day of registration is between 8:30 -10:30. Dash Plaques to the first 100 registrants. The 2024 show is full and registration has been discontinued. 


Car Cruises 2024:

Cruise on down to Smithville and hang out! A car cruise at Historic Smithville is simple a great place to hang out with fellow car enthusiast. We have a car cruise ever second and fourth Friday from May through September.

Just drive to the side parking lot of the Village Greene and near the red covered bridge, you will see orange cones set up . Move a cone and park your baby (car) between the hours of 5:00pm and 8:00pm.

2024 cruises are:

  • May 10 &24
  • June 14th & 28rd
  • July 12th & 26th
  • August 9th & 23rd
  • Sept 13th & 27th
  • Gm Auto Show: June 8th (rain 9)
    Pre-sign ups are 15 days before the show. The show and includes any car GM powered and runs from 10:00 to 4:30, hosted by Boardwalk Corvettes of A.C.  

    • Application
    • Entrance fee applies, pre $15 / Day of $20 (no refunds)
    • Registration and check-in table is open from 8:30 am to 10:30 am.
    • Dash Plaques to the first 100 registrants.
    • Free spectator admission
    • Trophy awards (at approx. 3:30 pm) are Fun Categories plus special recognition awards.
    • Facebook
    • For more information call 609-266-1229 * 215-805-4851 this is also day of hotline.

    Antique Classic Car Show: September 8 Rain or Shine