Car Shows and Car Cruises for 2025
- Corvette Show: Oct 19th, 2025 (Rain Nov2nd)
This show is for Corvettes only and hosted by OGSTCC. Your must pre-register your entry fee is due by early October. Day of registration is between 8:30 -10:30. Dash Plaques to the first 100 registrants. This registration is closed for the 2025 show.
Car Cruises
Cruise on down to Smithville and hang out! A car cruise at Historic Smithville is simple a great place to hang out with fellow car enthusiast.
Here are the dates of our car cruises this year…
- May 9 & 23
- June 13 & 27
- July 11 & 25
- August 8 & 22
- Sept 12
Just drive to the side parking lot of the Village Greene and near the red covered bridge, you will see orange cones set up . Move a cone and park your baby (car) between the hours of 5:00pm and 8:00pm.
Car Shows:
Car shows are a little different and cars must preregister. There are any where from 75 to 150 cars showing off their stuff for the GM and Corvette show. It’s a fun day to stroll the village and the cars. Dates are:
- Gm Auto Show: June 14th (rain 15)
Pre-sign ups are 15 days before the show. The show and includes any car GM powered and runs from 10:00 to 4:30, hosted by Boardwalk Corvettes of A.C.- Application
- Entrance fee applies, pre $15 / Day of $20 (no refunds)
- Registration and check-in table is open from 8:30 am to 10:30 am.
- Dash Plaques to the first 100 registrants.
- Free spectator admission
- Trophy awards (at approx. 3:30 pm) are Fun Categories plus special recognition awards.
- For more information call 609-266-1229 * 215-805-4851 this is also day of hotline.
- Gm Auto Show: June 14th (rain 15)
- British Car Show: June 21 (rain 22) No Judging no pre-registration, British Car Show